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Joy of Motherhood

Nothing else on this earth can bring the joy of becoming a mother. On that day my eyes filled up with the tears of joy. I couldn’t utter a word for few minutes. I couldn’t believe that I became a mother. I am in the greatest excitement of being a mother, Thanks to Dr. Promodu’s Institute.

I never thought I would ever become a mother. There were days that I wanted to end my life and question every decision I took in my life. A decade passed away without enjoying life and sex. Our marriage was in February 2006. It remained as an unconsummated marriage for nine and a half years till we met Dr. Promodu, sexologist.

After a decade of long suffering it is miracle only by God’s grace that I recovered and able to lead a normal sexual life. Thanks to God Almighty and Dr. Promodu for saving us. I became a mother on this 31st March and it is the greatest compulsion for me that I must live.


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