Penile Prosthesis Implant Surgery
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We are pleased to answer your queries. But it is noticed that the same questions / doubts are being repeatedly asked. Answering a large number of questions will be difficult due to time constraints. So I humbly request you to kindly glance through the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) before posting your queries. FAQs contain most of the commonly asked questions and its answers in detail. There are also brief write ups in this website about most of the sexual problems and its treatment. Going through these sections will help you to solve most of your doubts. If you are not satisfied with the answers and write-ups please ask your query.
Do you have solution for premature ejaculation. Please revert.
It appears that you are suffering from premature ejaculation. This may be due to various causes such as infection, inflammation, hypersensitivity, habituation etc. First we have to find out the cause. To plan the treatment you need to undergo a clinical evaluation including physical examination and investigations. Based on the results it can be successfully treated.
me febin married i dont have any feeling in my pennis doing sex ,, i dont any fell my pennis in side or out side vagena if i drop hot or cold water in my pennis end i dont feel,,,, some time i have pain like selling in end of pennis,,,please help its not jok
Mr. Febin,
with this information it is difficult to arrive at a conclusion. Your problem may be psychogenic. But before making any comment it is better to undergo a full check up to identify if there is any underlying physical problem. So it is better to consult an andrologist first. If there is no physical abnormality you can consult a clinical psychologist.
Sir , my problem is that after sex with my wife ihave an irritability in my penis ,like intermittent micturition with burning in urethra,and it last for an hour?
Dear Mr. Gireesh,
This could be a sign of either an inflammation or infection in the prostate or urinary bladder. You need a consultation with andrologist. This can be treated effectively.
Sir,I have a problem with my testes and penis.During my childhood I have a pain on the left testes and swelling.It becomes large like a small ball.When I consulted doctor he said that it is because of mosquito bite.This continued for several times.When I grown up my organs did not grown.I feel shame to tell this to anyone.Now I have 28 years old.My parents compelling me for a marriage.But I do not want to spoil the life of that girl.Now I am thinking of suicide.Befor 2 years I have a pain with my left testis and after that pain my testes became small like a seed.If there is any solution for this?If there kindly inform me otherwise I want to leave this world. With regards Biju
Dear Biju,
Suicide is not the solution for your problem. Parents are not aware of your sexual concern. The best solution you can undergo a full evaluation to find out whether you got any sexual dysfunction or any other condition which can lead to infertility. In case of any dysfunctions or problems it can be treated effectilvely. If you don have such problems you can proceed with marriage plans.
Dear Doctor i am 26 year old female married 2 years back. My problem is I am not able to get orgasm while intercourse.. i am not getting any kind of feeling after inserting organ even though its almost big. On the other hand I find pleasure in occasional masturbation. Doctor is it any decease. is there any solution for this. Please clarify. expecting your valuable answer at the earliest. Regards Ankita
Dear Ankita,
You may be suffering from a female orgasmic dysfunction (Situational). There is effective treatment for this problem.
I have a bend in my penis in the downward direction. There is no pain when getting erect but erection cannot be maintained. There is a small tofee like bulging when getting erect. Can the bend be treated to straighten penis
Dear Naveen,
You need a proper clinical evaluation and appropriate investigations to understand your problem and suggest treatment. From your description it appears that you may have a chance of Peyronies disease. Without evaluation it cannot be identified. So it is advisable to consult an andrologist.
Sir i am suffering from pre ejacuation
Dr., I am married for 5 years and I had erection problems. Wish to consult you though I am very nervous on such consultations. Can I come there and meet you confidentially? Whom should I meet then.
Sure. You can come and meet us confidently. All the information you share will be kept highly confidential. There is nothing to feel shy. So many people from different walks of life including ordinary people, farmers, workers, high level officers, business class, politcal leaders, film stars and many others visit us for treatment. No body bothers about others.
You can call 0484 2555301 / 2555304 for information.
I am going to marry in coming weeks and i have tension about my quick ejaculation say lessthan one minutes and also am tension about my penis size , 12 cm long and 11 cm circumefrence at erection time, me having 58 kg weight and 167 cm height i used to masturbate once per week before 1 year and now its 2 per monthly, please advise me
Your penis appears to be normal from your description. After marriage engage in sexual contact for a few weeks. If the ejacualtory problem persists you can seek treatment. Don worry, go ahead with your marriage plans. You need not take any treatment now.
Hello Doctor, I am 42 years old and I am having PE problem since I was in college and came to know when first time I had sex, during that time it was like when i am on a female, without even opening pants it use to come and now its worst even if i kiss it come out. And last few years I have developed with ED problem which also worst. I would like to know are they releated and how to go for medication. Best regards ROnit
It is not advisable to take self medication. Before taking any medicine you need a proper evaluation to find out the cause of your problems. Treatment if at all reequired can be planned only after this evaluation and physical examination. So please consult a doctor.
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Erectile Dysfunction (Erectile Problems / Psychogenic Impotence / Impotence / Sexual Weakness / Male erectile dysfunction/ ED) / Male Sexual Desire Disorder (Loss of Sexual Desire / Lack of Sexual Desire), Premature Ejaculation (Early Ejaculation / Early Orgasm / Fast Ejaculation / Quick ejaculation / PE), Male Orgasmic Dysfuntion (Delayed Ejaculation / Retarded Ejaculation / Anejaculation / Ejaculatory incopetence / Anorgasmia), Dyaspareunia (Pain during Sexual Contact), Female Sexual Desire Disorder (Loss of Sexual Desire / Lack of Sexual Desire), Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (Lack of Lubrication / Loss Of Lubrication), Female Orgasmic Dysfunction, Dyspareunia, Vaginismus, Fear of sexual intercourse/ Fear for sexual contact / Fear of pain during sexual contact, Unconsummated marriage / Infertility (Male Infertility / Female Infertility) / Marital Discord (Marital Problems / marital Conflict)
Medical Treatment / Surgery / Penile Prosthesis Implant Operation / Venous Ligation Surgery / Microscopic Microsurgical Varicocelectomy / Laparoscopiic Surgery / Endoscopic Surgery / Sex Therapy / Marital Therapy / Cognitive Behavior Therapy / Sexuality Education / Sexuality Counselling / Family Therapy/ sexologist
Laboratory Investigations / Radiological & Sonological Investigation / Tests for Penile Erection / Laparoscopic Investigations / Endoscopic Investigations